We help brands make $3+ for every $1 they spend on digital ads

"A great agency partner eschews vanity metrics and focuses solely on the success of their clients, that's Storia."

- Brad Davis
AdAge Top 50 Marketers In America

Become One Of 120+ Success Stories


Offers Clients 
Flat-Rate Pricing

Instead of charging a percent of ad spend, every Storia client pays a flat monthly rate so we're not incentivized to increase ad spend unnecessarily.

Delivers Easily 
Understood Reports

We deliver comprehensive bi-weekly and monthly reports in layman's terms that even your grandma can understand.

Drives Results That Clearly Impact The Bottom Line

Our Growth Advertising Method averages a 4X Return On Ad Spend across 100+ companies and counting.

Our Team

60% revenue growth from paid ads alone

We doubled ad spend and increased conversion rate by 22% without any change 
in cost per click or cost per purchase.

Online Flower Retailer

Food Delivery Service

One quarter is all it took for a 300% ad revenue increase

For this client we tripled ad spend and increased conversion rate with a negligible impact 
on cost per click. 

Weighted Eye Masks

Our campaign for them beat IBM Watson

We decreased their cost per conversion so much that we were the only other finalist alongside IBM Watson for The Drum's 2020 Best Creative Optimization Award.

We Are The Difference

+ dozens more

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 “Storia totally changed my opinion of working with an agency. I had some not great experiences in the past but the team convinced me. I guess it’s like finding a good therapist.... there are so many out there so once you find a good one, you stick with them lol!” 

- Alexandra Popa, Founder & CEO of Atelier Bordelle

*** we can't work with CBD brands or dropshipping companies

Are Brutally Honest 
With Our Clients

We push back when we believe in a different idea and are radically transparent about pricing, data, & methods from day one.

Are Subject Matter Experts, Not Jack Of All Trades

We are focused on delivering results and not upselling you new services to make a buck.

We Keep Creativity & Strategy Under One Roof

Our magic happens when performance data from the strategy team is used in the creative process.

Copyright 2022 - Storia LLC